Permaculture Intensives

Siskiyou Seeds offers Permaculture Intensives throughout the year. Permaculture Intensives are generally 3 days long and take place at Siskiyou Seeds in Williams, Oregon. Don Tipping brings 30 years of experience designing, implementing and stewarding a wide array of tools and techniques rooted in hands-on experience. <read Full Bio Here>  Delicious organic meals from the farm, camping, showers, instruction, handouts, field trips and a deeply nourishing dive into co-creating regenerative culture are included. If you're not sure you  want to camp Siskiyou Seeds is a 30 minute drive from Grants Pass. There are also some Airbnb's in our region including the Pond House at Pacifica (a 420 acre local land trust) where a group of students could comfortably stay together. It's also very possible to commute from Medford or Ashland.  

Click on the workshop title to link to the event.


Come learn how to "Be the Beavers" and the art and science of directing and securing water for smart use in this 3 day weekend workshop focused upon designing water systems for a permaculture homestead/small farm or mini-farm.

Don Tipping is the lead instructor who brings over 30 years experience in organic farming, seeds, permaculture and enthusiastic on-farm education. 

In many areas of the Pacific Northwest the climate is a combination of a winter rainforest and a summer desert. It is incredibly valuable to to catch and store water when it's abundant for use when it's scarce. Siskiyou Seeds is in it's 23rd year of intensive co-development with our environment and we would love to share our water catchment and planting strategies for climate resilience.

Go to the Water Systems Intensive Eventbrite page for more information!


Siskiyou Seeds is offering half day Farm Tours this year. Weekend Intensives include a Farm Tour on the Friday. However, Farm Tours can be done independently if you don't have time for the 3 day course! Here is the link for more info: Siskiyou Seeds Farm Tours


The key premise of this weekend intensive is that many people aspire to have a simple 1/2 acre permaculture homestead for their family, with food forests, fruit trees, berries, outdoor living systems with a fire pit, sauna, hot tub, cob oven, chickens, shade structures, water catchment, compost making, and so on.

We'll attempt to answer the central question, "What is the ideal human living environment?"

This course will also include a design charrette involving participants in the assessment and design of a renewal of a neighboring homestead where Ann Nguyen & Noel Ruiz have created the @homestead.culture platform to inform others along their journey. So this is a unique opportunity to explore the initial stages of laying out a long term permaculture homestead.

Go to the Permacuture Homestead Deisgn Event Page for more information!


This short format course will introduce the foundations of Permaculture, a whole systems design approach for sustainable human settlement. Permaculture (Permanent + Agriculture + Culture) encourages us to live with an understanding of place and how to work with natural forces on the landscape to try and meet our needs from the land with as little outside energy input as possible.

This course will cover the fundamentals of Permaculture, including ethics, principles, pattern understanding, zone and sector analysis, reading the landscape, observation, assessment and design skills. We will intersperse the theorhetical elements with hands on activities here on the farm to help bring the content into a deeper level of embodiment.

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