1. Carrot, Kuroda Chanteney -  This wonderful cool season carrot produces stocky 5-7” carrots with strong tops for easy harvest. They store well in the ground or fridge.  You can seed carrots until about ten weeks before your first fall frost without a season extenders like greenhouses. Kuroda matures around 65 days making it an excellent choice for a fall harvest and over wintering.  Overwintered carrots are some of the most delicious carrots you will ever have; as the carbohydrates convert into sugars in the cold weather. We can direct seed carrots in our  hardiness zone, 9b,  until late July. 

2. Arugula, Roquette  -  A fast maturing  green, Arugula is an excellent choice for successional harvests. Direct seed this spicy versatile green every two weeks for a continued harvest. Arugula is cut-and-come again making it an abundant vegetable to have in the garden. Cold tolerant and can handle light frosts,  you can plant arugula up until about four weeks before your last frost without season extenders. Baby leaves are ready to eat in 30 days.  

3. Beet, Detroit Dark Red  -  A consistent dark red round heirloom beet that produces 3-4” round roots.. Detroit Dark Red makes an excellent canning beet or storage beet. Beets are cold tolerant and can handle light frosts. In Southern Oregon beets can generally make it through the winter in the ground.  Direct sow beet seeds in the garden until about 4- 6 weeks before your last fall frost. In our Zone 9b we can keep sowing beets until labor day. Make sure to check your growing hardiness zone to find your first fall frost.

4. Spinach, Winter Bloomsdale  -  Savoyed leaf spinach with some heat tolerance which makes it a great choice for fall planting as it can make it through the hot summer days before fall. Winter Bloomsdale spinach can also be overwintered. Try blanching and freezing your spinach if you can not keep up with fresh eating. Direct sow spinach into prepared garden beds and thin to about  6”.  Spinach is cold tolerant; you can seed it until about 6 weeks before your first fall frost. Winter Bloomsdale reaches maturity around 45 days.

5. Radish, Daikon, Miyashige  -  An excellent Japanese radish variety with long tapered white roots with pale green shoulders. Daikon is crisp and tender to eat with a mild spicy undertone, daikon is great to eat raw, pickled or fermented.  It  stores really well in the fridge and in the ground which makes it an excellent choice for fall harvest.  Daikon is also frost tolerant, the leaves will die back in a hard frost  but the roots are generally fine.  Direct sow the radish seeds in prepared beds and thin to 4-6” as daikon can get fairly large. You can seed this radish until about 4-6 weeks before your first fall frost. In Southern Oregon that means we can sow daikon seeds until Labor Day.


Happy Planting!

Taryn Hunter
Lead Seed Coordinator, Siskiyou Seeds